Mindful Business Evolution - FKA: At The Table w/ Women in Leadership

Maximize Your Social Presence with Advanced Scheduling Techniques

April 24, 2024 Heather Ross Season 10 Episode 6

Ever felt like you're on a never-ending hamster wheel trying to keep up with your social media posts? Say goodbye to the daily social media scramble and hello to a streamlined strategy with our latest podcast episode, where I break down how to use a CSV file to schedule your content like a pro. I'm walking you through every step, from downloading the sample file to inputting your content and uploading images. And let's not forget the game-changing tips I'll be sharing—like the right way to format post times and how to avoid those pesky errors that creep in when pasting text. It's like having your very own social media planning wizard in your pocket!

Get ready to liberate yourself from the constant content creation grind as I share my personal triumph in mastering a 90-day upload cycle that's rocking my digital world. With my posts lined up months in advance, I'm now free to engage with my followers on a deeper level—because let's face it, that's what social media's all about. Join me as I reveal the secrets to efficiency that have transformed my approach, and how you too can achieve that consistent online presence without breaking a sweat. This episode isn't just about saving time; it's about reshaping the way you connect and communicate online.

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Speaker 1:

Mindful Business Evolution the podcast where networking, mindset and technology converge to empower success. In today's fast-paced world, navigating the complexities of business while nurturing personal growth can often feel like a daunting task.

Speaker 2:

I'm so excited. I love sharing this stuff with you guys. So last week I talked about how I'm using my system to post a single post, and this week we're going to talk about how to do multiple posts. So let's get to it. But don't forget where do those links go. They only go in a comment. That's my soapbox. There you go. I can probably say it a million times. You'll get sick of hearing me say it, but you'll be able to share it to other people because it really, really hurts your algorithm and I don't want that for you. All right, we are going to screen share now. Oops, start my share. Here we go.

Speaker 2:

So I am in my social media planner and I'm going to go here to new post and when I push on it I get a choice of what I want to do. So I'm going to upload a CSV file. I know it sounds really technical, but I want you to go ahead and here, in that, you download the sample file and I don't have Word on here. So I'm going to make sure it goes to my Google Drive and save it, and then I'm going to open it up and fill it out, and then I will be back to show you how it gets uploaded into the system. So we'll see you soon.

Speaker 2:

All right, I wanted to show you what the CVS file looks like when you get it open. I'm using it in Google Sheets and I'm going to share my screen with you so that you can see it. It is in this tab and I'm going to move the zoom because, like, I'm going to move the zoom because life All right. So this is what it looks like. So it tells you the time, and you want to do it just exactly like this, in this exact format, and you don't want to use any weird numbers at the end. Just keep it zero, zero to keep it safe.

Speaker 2:

And you're going to put your comment in, and then you're going to upload your images, which I'll show you how to upload your images, and then copy the link for the image in the system to this, and then we just upload it all at once. So I'm going to go ahead and show you how to upload your images, because I have those already ready. So I am going to go back to this. Settings. That is probably not right. Media there, it is All right. Open my media library and organize this stuff right, and so I'm going to be doing quote this will be my May. I'll open that and then I'm going to create a folder and I'm going to make it my May. Oh, I guess we're still in April, huh, I guess this is perfect to cancel.

Speaker 2:

We are still in April. So I'm going to upload files and I'm going to go to my mindful business evolution folder and I'm going to select all of these and I like to hold down, shift and select the first one and the last one and then I can upload them all at the same time and they'll all pop in there and the system doesn't seem to mind that things have the same names. It doesn't yell at us. So now they're all in the system. So now each one of these has a link. So let me close that. So for the first one, I click on it and then right click and then you get link and copy it and then I can move that here to images. Now it's linked and now I go to Canva over here and I copy. I get everything ready, so it's all ready to go. And then I copy my post control C and then I go over here and I click up here because I don't want any of the things that came on that originally. And now that is in there and that's my link. And then I'm going to just go ahead and delete this other stuff so it doesn't accidentally get on my things, and I will be back when I have this all completely filled up For reals this time. See you soon.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the last thing I want to show you is when you are using the spreadsheet. Oops, always does that, right, cause same topic. Okay, when you're using the spreadsheet, you don't want to just click down here and then paste right into here. You want to go up here to this FX and then click in that space. So if you're not really familiar with using this kind of spreadsheet, it doesn't paste the same. If you were to paste, like all of these comments, each row would show up in a line and that will drive you crazy, so don't do that to yourself. Then, when you click up here, you hit enter, it fills in that square, so we can actually open this really wide and you can see how much you can actually put a lot of information in here when you do this.

Speaker 2:

So now that it's completely filled out and these are all the links to my graphics, like I showed you, I'm going to download. So I went up here to file under your file header. Here I'm going to. Actually, so I don't confuse myself, I'm going to change the name here. Use myself. I'm going to change the name here.

Speaker 2:

Let me go back to in the year, because I use a lot of things. Don't put any periods or anything. It kind of messes up the file, the file type, but he can put a lot of information here. So that is saved. Now, if you don't have google docs, um, if you're using um, microsoft, um, excel, you're going to want to make sure you hit save and then you're going to hit file and we're going to go down here to download and then we're going to get some options of what we're going to do to download and we're going to go down here to download and then we're going to get some options of what we're going to do to download and we're actually going to do the comma separated values, which is that fancy CSV file upload where we're trying to go for All right. So I downloaded it and it's been saved there, okay. So remember where you have it saved so you can find it.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm going to go into here into my media planner so you get to follow along here. So I'm going to move my face again, all right, see media. Oh, we're in the media. That's where the graphics are. Go back on the main menu again. There we go, okay, so marketing, then social media new post upload from CSV, because that's what we just did, and since we already have that, we are now going to hit upload and then remember I told you to remember where you put it. So then you're going to put it in. Just click on it. Here we go, ready for magic. I think this is so cool.

Speaker 2:

You hit next and pick where you're going to put it and Facebook is no longer supporting groups and if you have approval process in your approvals, you can add that right here as well. Now it's going to tell it to process it. Then we go back over here Instead of staying up here at this menu. We're going to go down the screen a little here and you have this menu bar here and I access that by scrolling up, moving it up to the top for myself, and then I'm going to CSV and it's right here. It wants me to review it. I'm going to review it and it looks like it liked all the posts. I don't have any weird errors or anything, so I can import posts and all the posts will be added to your social calendar.

Speaker 2:

This action cannot be undone. So if you upload 90 posts or whatever, you can't take them off in one bulk piece. You can remove them, but it has to be individually. So you know you could create more work for yourself if you're not sure. So that's where that approval process can kind of help. But I'm sure I'm ready to push this button Now.

Speaker 2:

All of those are posted. Are you ready to see? I'm going to open the planner and so here they are. All those posts are scheduled to post. Pretty awesome, got some posts scheduled, yep. I just have a few more days left for April, which isn't too bad. You will see this probably on the last day of these posts. So well, when is when this will be published and you'll be able to go over and see them? So I hope you found this helpful, and I love to bulk upload and I have recently done a 90-day upload and it worked perfectly. It was so cool. So it's just magic when you can get it to just poof it up. It's ready, it's scheduled and now I don't have to think about making those posts. I know they're already going to be there when I go to do my interactions. So I hope it was helpful and you have a lovely day.

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