Mindful Business Evolution - FKA: At The Table w/ Women in Leadership

Skyrocket Your Social Media Impact with Insider Tips

April 17, 2024 Heather Ross Season 10 Episode 4

Ever feel like you're shouting into the void with your social media posts, only to get a few measly likes in return? Say goodbye to those days of frustration! Today, I'm pulling back the curtain on my personal social media strategy, revealing how to get your content seen and loved by the masses. With the savvy use of Free Time Solutions to schedule your posts, I demonstrate how to send your marketing efforts into overdrive while keeping everything shipshape with your files and timing.

The most crucial tactic we're unpacking is the game-changing practice of dropping links into comments, not posts—trust me, it's a lifesaver for staying on the good side of those mysterious social media algorithms. This simple move can skyrocket your reach, keeping your audience glued to your content without the risk of leading them astray. Join me as I passionately stand on my soapbox to remind you that this isn't just a tip, it's the key to unlocking your social media potential. So, tune in, take notes, and transform your social strategy from overlooked to overbooked!

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Speaker 1:

Mindful Business Evolution the podcast where networking, mindset and technology converge to empower success. In today's fast-paced world, navigating the complexities of business while nurturing personal growth can often feel like a daunting task.

Speaker 2:

Hey, how's it going? So I love to share tips and tricks about how I post our social media and get that up and running on my social media. So what I want to share with you today is I love to use my tool, so let me share my screen, and I love using this tool. Oh, I'm going to share that one. Oh, I'm going to share that one. The tool I like to share is Free Time Solutions, and so in here there's a marketing tab and I haven't uploaded. So we're good.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to go back to the beginning. This is my post that I'm going to post. I picked where I'm going to have it go. My dog is, of course, she's making noise now, and then I also have like everything ready to go for myself. So I have a post ready and I just copy it, and then I go over here and I paste it, and then I'm going to go over here Now.

Speaker 2:

Earlier I was struggling because I clicked this, which is an image, and this, which is a video, is what I wanted and I didn't have. I had a video and not, so I was going in circles like, why isn't it letting me do this? So, and then I've been trying to work on my organization. So I have everything in files and so I just upload my file and have it loaded already over here. So it's our Instagram post for today, and I hit open and then I just double click it and it pops right in here and then we can see it. And then my favorite thing is to add this follow-up comment. So I actually also have my links over here and I'm just going to go. I like to identify it. So listen here, watch here. I'm just going to copy those so and then I'm going to go over here and my follow-up comment.

Speaker 2:

Now, who remembers why we put the links in the comments? Does anybody remember? I'm going to go ahead and post this for now, because it's actually that day, but usually I can schedule it up and then post it. So I'm just going to hit post and the reason oops, I forgot to hit the post now button and boom, we're posted. That just pretty much like that. So I'm going to go ahead and stop my screen share. Remember?

Speaker 2:

The reason we don't post the links in our actual comment, or we put it only in the comments, I'm sorry, in our actual write-up is because we don't want the algorithm to think that we're asking people to click off of the platform. So, whether that's Facebook or Instagram, we want the algorithm to think we're helping people stay on the platform. So we only put our links in the comments. That way it does not tank all of our hard work of making sure that our algorithm's beautiful and happy and that we're seeing stuff and people are seeing our stuff. We don't tank that. We do not do that to ourselves.

Speaker 2:

So I like to call this my soapbox and I do it often. Try to remind you often that this is my soapbox. Don't do this, um, I try not to share things myself and it's hard because you want to. You want to share the links, you want to share things that other people post, but if it has that link, it will also hurt your algorithm. So remember links only in the comments. I hope you all have a great day. Bye, thank you.

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