Mindful Business Evolution - FKA: At The Table w/ Women in Leadership

The Symphony of Success and Sound

April 08, 2024 Heather Ross Season 10 Episode 2

Have you ever felt the rhythm of a drum circle pulsating through your very being, or had a melody lift your mood on a gloomy day? Welcome to the symphony of emotions that is Mindful Business Evolution, where I, Heather, take you on a harmonic journey through the transformative power of music in our personal and professional lives. Music isn't just a collection of notes – it's a universal language that resonates within us, shaping our emotions, actions, and even our brain chemistry. 

Embark on a self-led musical odyssey with me as we uncover the science behind music’s magical influence, from its ability to release happiness-inducing neurotransmitters to its role as a steadfast companion in life’s ups and downs. Learn how to harness the melodies that speak to your soul, integrate uplifting tunes into daily routines, and boost your mental health with the right soundtrack. Through personal anecdotes and scientific insights, this episode promises to strike a chord with anyone looking to harmonize their inner world with the outer, one note at a time.

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Mindful Business Evolution the podcast where networking, mindset and technology converge to empower success. In today's fast-paced world, navigating the complexities of business while nurturing personal growth can often feel like a daunting task.


Hello and welcome back to another episode of Mindset Monday with Mindful Business Evolution. I'm your host, heather, and today we're diving into the fascinating topic of the power of music for our minds. Music has been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years, from ancient civilizations to modern day societies. Music has played a significant role in our lives, influencing our emotions, our behaviors and even our brain chemistry. Music has always been very special in my life, very special in my life.


When I was a teenager, my musical choices were pretty much to listen to Christian music or country music, and I used to joke that I picked the lesser of the two evils. But deep down I always knew that music was a very profound and important part of my life. Profound and important part of my life. So as I grew and I moved out on my own, I made the conscious decision to not have cable. So I wasn't going to listen to cable or watch cable, watch TV. I do a lot of listening to TV nowadays TV nowadays. So instead I embarked myself on a self-led musical journey where I often called it a music education put together. I immersed myself into as much music as I possibly could, from creating mixtapes to hanging out with people that were creating music, from creating mixtapes to hanging out with people that were creating music, to listening to new CDs that friends brought over. One of the fondest memories during this time was experiencing the rhythm of a drum circle. In this transformative experience, I opened my eyes to the power beyond just listening. It's as if you can feel the beat of the drum resonating deep within your soul. Music then became my companion, my solace, my inspiration. It was there for me during the highs and the lows, lifting my spirits and soothing my soul. Through music I discovered a language that transcends words, a universal language that speaks directly to my heart. Today, I reflect on my journey with music, and it reminds me of the incredible power to heal and connect us. The incredible power to heal and connect us. It's more than just a collection of sounds. It's a symphony of emotions, a melody of memories and a soundtrack to our lives. I was very disappointed when I found out life is not already a musical, so I often make it my own musical. So let's celebrate the magic of music and embrace the transformative power, whether it's through a drum circle, a favorite song on the radio or a symphony of our own making. Let's allow music to guide us on our journey to a brighter, more harmonious future.


Research has shown us that listening to music can pro can, have profound effects on our neurochemistry, triggering the release of neurotransmitters. Do you know what neurotransmitters are? Those are those fun words like dopamine, serotonin and oxy, oxy, oxytocin the happier things right which are associated with the feelings of pleasure, happiness and bonding. So dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin are the happiness. That's how we relate happiness outside. It's what's released in our bodies so that we have it on the outside.


But how can we harness the power of music to improve our mental health and overall well-being overall well-being? One way is by incorporating specifically uplifting music into our daily lives, whether it's through a device like headphones or speakers. Creating a conducive environment for listening to music can have a positive impact on your mindset. Another tip is to curate a playlist of music that resonates with you personally. Choose songs that uplift and inspire you. These songs should speak to your soul and uplift your spirits.


You are the only one can decide if these are the right songs for you. Are the only one can decide if these are the right songs for you, and don't be afraid to explore new genres and artists. You never know what hidden gem you might discover. There's so many amazing artists. Finally, consider integrating music into various aspects of your lifestyle. Whether you're listening to motivational tunes during your morning workout, playing soothing melodies during meditation or blasting your favorite anthems to boost your mood, find ways to incorporate music into your daily routine. Remember, the power of music lies not only in its ability to entertain us, but also to captivate, eat us, to heal, to uplift and transform our minds. Let's embrace the magic of music. Let it be our guide on our journey to a healthier, happier mindset. Thank you so much for joining me today on Mindset Monday. Thank you for tuning in and until next time, let's keep the groove to the beat of your own personal anthem and take care. Everyone Namaste you, you.

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