Mindful Business Evolution - FKA: At The Table w/ Women in Leadership

Embracing Truth: The Transformational Journey of Radical Honesty

October 10, 2023 • Charlie Hoffman and Heather Ross • Season 9 • Episode 3

Imagine a world where radical honesty is not just a virtue, but a way of life. That's precisely the world we're diving into during our enlightening conversation, unpacking thought-provoking themes from "The Voice of Knowledge" by Don Miguel Ruiz, and "Love People Use Things" by Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus. As we explore how various religions interpret the tree of life and the tree of knowledge, we delve into radical responsibility, the evolution of humanity towards love, and the need to question truths that no longer serve us. From the evolution of space exploration to the changing truths about our planet, we reveal how knowledge is a fluid, evolving entity.

Relationships can be a minefield or a playground, depending on how you navigate them. Our conversation takes a poignant look at the fragility and strength of relationships, the blessings and curses of authenticity, and the profound impact of our narratives on our lives. We discuss the delicate balance between love and pain, the pitfalls of codependency, and the significance of decision-making. We also encourage you to model honesty, not just for yourself but for those who look up to you. It's not just about telling the truth; it's about living it.

Finally, we invite you to engage in a thought experiment - list your 10 most valuable possessions and experiences. It's a simple exercise, but the insights it reveals can be life-changing. As we round off our conversation, we introduce you to Free Time Solutions, a platform designed to help small business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs reclaim their time. This episode is not just a conversation - it's a journey toward self-discovery, truth, and personal growth. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your understanding of life, love, and everything in between.

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Heather Ross:

Welcome to At the Table where we are connecting entrepreneurs, discovering missions and building communities with purpose body, soul, mind and business. With Charlie and Heather, with free time solutions.

Charlie Hoffman:

Hello and welcome to the Table. I'm Charlie and I'm Heather, and it's Monday, monday again, and this week we are on the last chapter of Don Miguel Ruiz's the Voice of Knowledge, which is currently the last chapter that I'm reading for the weekly reading on our YouTube channel.

Heather Ross:

So um yeah.

Charlie Hoffman:

I hope you enjoy that.

Heather Ross:

It's a good one. We are also reading Love People and Use Things, Because the Opposite Never Works, by Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yep the minimalists.

Heather Ross:

It's really freaking good so far. Oh my gosh, and these two chapters. You know the miracle and the magic, the magic when we're reading two books and they just come together and you're like, dude, these two chapters should always be paired together. Yeah, this is that week, Definitely, Especially for being you know the end of a book and you know only the second chapter of the next book.

Charlie Hoffman:

But they work together so well, so the purpose of two books is like our idea is like one personal growth book, one like business growth book. And Love People Use Things is kind of on the cusp of both of those, because you know you need to use these skills and all the things. But then so is the four agreements, the Voice of Knowledge Once we get into the books.

Heather Ross:

They are both. It's an end situation, right, but that's the idea, and the magic of doing both together is looking at two different authors and then seeing how you know their perspective, their tools how they're using it. You know, not just listening to one voice, but listening to many, so we can find our own truths, which is what we're talking about today.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yes. So chapter 12 in the Voice of Knowledge this week. It talks about the tree of life and it talks about the tree of knowledge, right, and you know, if you grew up in the church, you've heard the stories, and the way that Don Miguel Ruiz puts the stories into perspective from all religions is awesome and I highly recommend you go read it for yourself.

Heather Ross:

This is one of those chapters that just like sucked me in. I was like I read the whole chapter in one sitting, which is like hard for me to sit, still that long.

Charlie Hoffman:

I mean, I can read the whole book in a day, but you know that just that's how, the magic of how we grow and learn and the fact that we're like different humans living life differently, but like on the same, like vibration, right, right and our vibrations going up. But the overarching theme of the chapter, the tree of life, is you are responsible for your radical responsibility.

Heather Ross:

Oh yeah, and some joking. Jackie, coach, jackie, and their radical responsibility for your life. Prophecies for many different philosophies of the world tell us that we are going back to a place of love, and that's where the truth sits.

Heather Ross:

I really liked the comparison, especially after getting back from doing some medieval reenactment where they imagine you wake up and you find yourself in Europe in the Middle Ages. I was like oh funny that you say that and he is talking about you know, seeing how people are, the lies that the government screwed to control people over time. Like yes, because you can really see it.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yeah, I was actually having a conversation with things that were true for us as children, that are no longer true, like Pluto as a planet. Yeah, right, so it was a planet in my heart. Right, pluto is a planet, the only thing. Like we could only reach the moon, right, right, we didn't, we weren't on Mars, we weren't on Mars. Nope, we have rovers on Mars now and they've already gone to the moon.

Heather Ross:

When we were born, yeah, and so that was like before we were born, they did a little bit of space, we got to the moon and that was like it for the longest time.

Charlie Hoffman:

The longest time. What else? What else were we talking about? That was truth. When we're little, that is no longer truth. Oh, um, they have found that the way the Earth's crust moves around and stuff is more akin to like giant islands, then actual, like land coming up out of the ocean, like the world is actually made of giant islands.

Heather Ross:

Yeah, so it's like this big.

Charlie Hoffman:

And that's how the NGM moved around.

Heather Ross:

Isn't actually like connected to the center of the Earth and stuck right there?

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, it's actually a big. This is like new science stuff. Oh wow, that they've been able to prove and I was like that's cool. Also creepy, how far down did they go to?

Heather Ross:

I have no idea how they think in my mind, but that's not my area of expertise.

Charlie Hoffman:

That like rewrites all of what we know about Right Theography and how things are formed Right it changes all of it Interesting.

Heather Ross:

That is interesting.

Charlie Hoffman:

So we're going to start with the new science, new science.

Heather Ross:

Let's go straight to the point Staphaner, because it really brings it back around from the four agreements to what both of these books do, but I dropped.

Charlie Hoffman:

The voice of the fallen angel is so loud that we cannot hear the voice of our spirit, our integrity and our love. This silent voice is always there before we learned to speak, and so we're going to start with the first one and two years old.

Heather Ross:

we listened to this voice. This made me think of the exercises we did when we were working with Sandy, where we got the pictures of ourselves and that joy before society take over and gave us a story.

Charlie Hoffman:

When we were just living in our own truths, right, yeah, and we were just living in our own little angels, right, or even the, and they use this story as an example. When Jesus was like do what the children do because they're living in like. The message was is they're living in a hundred percent in love, right, and there's no judgment there, right? That was some message when he was talking to the people about be like the children. It's so cool, so cool. Number two when you are born, you don't know what you are, but your body knows what it is and it knows what to do. This is silent knowledge. You can feel silent knowledge every time you breathe.

Heather Ross:

Our body knows what to do.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right Silent knowledge. Your body knows what to do.

Heather Ross:

In fact, if you know, if a kid tries to hold their breath to hurt themselves, they're just going to pass out and start breathing. Yeah, like you can't not. Your body won't.

Charlie Hoffman:

You are an angel and your life is your message. You can be a messenger of lies, fear and destruction, or a messenger of truth, love and creation, but you cannot deliver lies and truth at the same time. Smell a thing? Nope.

Heather Ross:

I think that even goes to you, like, because if you're lying to yourself about something you feel like you're saying the truth but you're still spreading the lie. That totally makes sense to me.

Charlie Hoffman:

Heaven is the story that we can create when we surrender to life and allow life to manifest without lies. Heaven is here and it is available for everybody, but we need to have the eyes to perceive it.

Heather Ross:

Hmm, all right, there's a few more, but you can go ahead and listen to those over on YouTube YouTube, youtube. Well, I trust you anywhere you're listening, you can find Charlie Reddit to us. She is amazing. However, these new chapters in this new book are horrendously long and it doesn't take.

Charlie Hoffman:

you missed it or forgot that book is Love People Use. Things by the Minimalists were on Chapter Two this week, which is about truth, which kind of wraps us back to the four agreements of being impeccable with your word. Don't make assumptions. Don't make assumptions Like that's like the theme of this chapter, which is really, really cool, and they start with dropping some serious truth bombs. The first um first of which that I came along here was where did I go?

Heather Ross:

Who starts by talking about his mom and her journey?

Charlie Hoffman:

So, because of our tangled lies, it is possible to be exceedingly loving and still inflict pain. Truly, we tend to cause the most pain to the people we love the most. We're careless with what we love, and if we're careless with anything for long enough, it breaks.

Heather Ross:

I like that. That that went into like he was talking about his marriage and how it kind of felt hurt, yeah, and how you kind of stay in it because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings and then eventually, like both of you, are saying that you're not going to be able to be in love with someone. You can stay in it because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings and then eventually, like both of you are staying in it because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings, right?

Charlie Hoffman:

But, as we've said before and I will say again, it is okay to disappoint other people.

Heather Ross:

It is not okay to disappoint yourself, because if you're sitting in that truth, with a really in a relationship, and you're sitting with that truth and you're being impeccable with your word and you're not letting yourself down and you're actually being brave enough to share what you're feeling, that vulnerability is going to change your relationship. It's going to change the trajectory of the relationship. So I'm not saying, oh, if this is happening, you guys are going to be divorced. That probably not, because you have this opportunity to acknowledge that and have a conversation.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right. I'm not saying that I'm going to be in a relationship with my husband over the years, because we're not the same people we were when we got married 20 years ago. We're just not Right.

Heather Ross:

Something that may have started out as a joke becomes hurtful sometimes in relationships, or it isn't taken the right way sometimes, and so if you don't talk about that, then that builds up.

Charlie Hoffman:

Or I would say this, to be a little bit more accurate we are so used to hearing things a certain way that it doesn't phase us until we know better. Right, right. So we're used to being abused.

Heather Ross:

And remember you only accept that use that is a little bit less than what you abuse yourself, right.

Charlie Hoffman:

So the more I've been impeccable with my word, the more I have been truthful to myself, the more things have come up in my relationship with my husband, and you know we've had talks too. Yeah, things have come up through our growth journey that we have to, you know, we have to talk about, because that's how we grow, or let go Right One or the other and I really appreciate you because you, you come to me and be like hey, babe, I see this.

Heather Ross:

I feel like you're taking things personally and I understand where you're at, but are you aware and I can tell you where I went in my head and you're like, wow, that was all you. I don't know where that came from, and so it's really awesome to be able to have a friend that is so awesome that I can have those conversations with, because not every person can hold that space.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, and not every person feels comfortable enough to be truthful with you, enough to call you out on it. I love you too much to lie to you. Right, and that's how we should treat everybody we come across. I love you too much to lie to you, and if I lie to you, I don't feel good about it. It feels gross. If I lie to you, I'm lying to myself.

Heather Ross:

Now that we've been working on being impracticable with our word and really sitting with the feeling of what that feels like. It's like more truth, more truth, more truth. And then, if some things alive, we're like, oh yeah, it just doesn't feel good.

Charlie Hoffman:

you know, and I was telling Heather before we started this recording that I still catch myself all the time lying to myself.

Heather Ross:

Like that's where I was right. Yeah, and sometimes you don't know that you're lying to yourself because you are literally in your head and you can't see inside the box. So, having somebody with that accountability piece, right, I'm working on this. This is like if you're working with therapists, like you can be like true or not true, and I have asked those questions when I've realized that I don't always realize when I'm going on a tangent, right, because I literally have sat on your back porch and been like this is where my brain went. Do we think this is true or not true? Or is this me freaking out? Oh, it's me freaking out? Cool, we can let that go then, right, because that doesn't help?

Charlie Hoffman:

No, yeah, because then it actually gets in the middle of what we're trying to accomplish.

Heather Ross:


Charlie Hoffman:

This is a day for the season, because then, if I don't talk to you about it, then it's going to bother me, right, and then it's going to like it's going to create this wound and it's going to fester and it's going to get infected.

Heather Ross:

And what happens when we're infected and we're all in the little sabbys, it's all on other people right, right.

Charlie Hoffman:

It's gross. So if we don't want to do it, All right. So the third is a liar. As we obtain larger homes and more status and greater wealth, we often grow disconnected from the very things that make us feel alive.

Heather Ross:

Boom. I really like the this little whole section about this idea that there's one person out there for us.

Charlie Hoffman:

Oh yeah, I read that and I was like wow.

Heather Ross:

I liked this. You are the one, you. You are the one for yourself, or the one, which is something that I've been really working on, like showing up every day for myself, not letting myself down. No, you know it's. It's okay to let other people down, but not yourself, right.

Charlie Hoffman:


Heather Ross:

You are the only person in the world who can complete and fulfill you and ensure your happiness. Everyone else is a potential, hopefully wonderful addition to the the faded situation.

Charlie Hoffman:

You're born complete, you die complete and you decide whom you spend your time with. In between, you get to decide Wow.

Heather Ross:

So you are your one person.

Charlie Hoffman:


Heather Ross:

Stop looking, we already found them.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, I used to think that a dare, my husband was like my person, right. But what we both came to realize, probably about year seven, eight of our marriage, that we were too dependent on the other person for our happiness, that codependency, and we needed to be happy on our own, without the taking that radical responsibility before you even do it, right Before we had this like, but we had to. 20 years y'all. Yeah, we we've had to grow together, and if he wasn't willing to grow with me, we wouldn't be here.

Heather Ross:

I got 20 years of experience, but with two different people, you all are going to do and whatnot to do and what works and what doesn't, and some people just won't grow with you. Right, and I like this too. They were like you want to kill Godzilla when he's a baby. So when you're having those thoughts, you want to stop them there.

Charlie Hoffman:

You've already decided Before it gets big and burns down the village. That makes sense, right? Yeah, I actually have a sit. Last night I was sitting at the dinner table with the kids and we have this thing Like if you cook dinner you don't have to clean up, everybody else cleans up. You're we were responsible for like rinsing your own plate and bowl and silverware off and putting that away. But the rest of everything gets big up by the people who did not.

Heather Ross:

The people that partake of dinner Right.

Charlie Hoffman:

And so there's been a few instances lately that the kids were taken off and I was left with the dishes, or it was their turn to do dishes and I'd get up in the morning and the sink stuff all the dishes.

Heather Ross:

So you weren't even here to eat dinner, Like right?

Charlie Hoffman:

So I'm doing dishes for food I didn't eat, or partake in my rude, yeah, and so we had this, this talk about. You know this radical responsibility around like take care of your own stuff, you're responsible for your own stuff. You have your day of the week that you cook dinner, your responsibility to make sure your ingredients are on the grocery list If we need them. Like this whole thing with these quasi adult children Right, but it's like we have to have that conversation because I was about to lose my mind. I was going to lose my mind and I couldn't have that. Mistakes and dumb decisions.

Heather Ross:

I liked this like owning that. It's not a mistake, it's. You actually made a dumb decision.

Charlie Hoffman:


Heather Ross:

Like right.

Charlie Hoffman:

A mistake is something that happens without previously thinking about it, right? So he says, when he cheated on his for his wife that that was a dumb decision and he did it because he felt so horrible about himself that he wanted to feel worse, essentially like felt punishment and that's facing your own Right. It was like there were, there were decisions made along the way that led to that.

Heather Ross:

Right and at any point you can get off of that way again. Right To that decision.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, you get to decide, you get to decide.

Heather Ross:

So and I like that, instead of it being a mistake, is really realizing that it was a dumb decision, because that gives you your power Right Back in the situation to make changes.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right. You learn and grow from those.

Heather Ross:


Charlie Hoffman:

Right. There's a cost with life, no matter what if you lie, there's a cost associated with that. What is the cost of lies? What we soon discover over the course of five beautifully crafted episodes and they're talking about the HBO docu-drama Chernobyl is that our lies cost us everything. Lies strip us of our integrity, our honor, our restitude, our virtue and our trust. Lies cost us friendships and love, meaningful experiences and worthwhile interactions, respect and freedom.

Heather Ross:

Ooh, which is actually the opposite of everything we want in life.

Charlie Hoffman:

And in some extreme cases, lies can cost people their lives, right? The cost of the truth, on the other hand, is drudgery, diligence and delayed gratification, but the reward is a piece of mind so great that the labor is always worth the price. Honesty is a gift we can give to others. It's also a gift we can give to ourselves. Don't fricking lie. There's nothing that makes me angrier than when my kids lie to me, and I have always told them if you make a mistake or a dumb decision and you just tell me the truth about it, you're going to get in a lot less trouble than if you try to hide it from me, if you lied to me or if you use manipulation tactics.

Heather Ross:

That's not going to happen, and sometimes it's like the thing they're lying about is actually no big deal. The problem becomes the energy they create by being deceitful, lying, hiding it right. That energy is really awful and we don't want people to go down that road. So I think as parents we really want our kids to understand that. But we have to model it.

Charlie Hoffman:

So I've always kids do what they see, not do what they say. Right, we know this.

Heather Ross:

We know this right. So the smoking parents being the example, right, your kids were smokers, it was normal. Now our kids don't see parents. As many parents smoking Kids less kids are smoking. It's a thing, it's really a thing that's like a you can go do look it up.

Charlie Hoffman:

I probably would not have ever smoked cigarettes if my parents had both quit when I was young. My mom quit when I was like seven and then my dad quit when I was like 35. Big difference, right, big difference.

Heather Ross:

Right, my grandpa would like hide and smoke cigarettes because he was supposed to have quit and not catching him and not made for a weird relationship at that point Right Right, and I don't like the line to your person.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yeah, one of the things I highlighted in this next section that there's more than one kind of truth is. Regardless of whether a truth is subjective or objective, one thing is clear the more difficult the truth, the harder it is to admit, especially the truth that have been covered up with lies. It's easier to tell the truth the first time than if you. If you lied about it, then you have to go back and, like you know, people keep covering up their lies with more lies. Right, keep it under the rug, nobody's going to know.

Heather Ross:

Yeah, eventually you pull the rug up, it's a whole thing. Eventually the rug has to be clean. So minimalist rule for living is spontaneous combustion rule. This is awesome. So this is the ideas. Like you're holding your possession, if it is going to spontaneously combust, will you be upset or will you feel relieved that you no longer have to deal with this possession?

Charlie Hoffman:

If you feel relieved, just let it go.

Heather Ross:

Let it go. It doesn't need a spontaneously combust for you to let it go, right, right, it's pretty cool.

Charlie Hoffman:

Gil tells us something about our actions. We broke a rule, hurt someone's feelings or acted incongruently with our ideal self, and now we feel awful about it. But shame says something about who we are, about our identity.

Heather Ross:

We know people that work entirely with helping people work through their shame, because it really is how you feel about yourself. They can't shame you if you don't feel that way inside.

Charlie Hoffman:

You can feel guilty, that you made a mistake, but shame is more like when you made a bad decision, right Like there's a thing there. And then, further down he says letting the truth out is how we become free. It might be uncomfortable, but it's better to feel discomfort than shame, because discomfort advances with time but shame persists and builds upon itself. A lot of the things that we do the veils it's all like builds on itself Right Like wow, that's happy to me.

Heather Ross:

You got some more stuff. I do, I do. That's so funny.

Charlie Hoffman:

Later on he talks about his daughter. Ella scored in her soccer team only two goals. Right, but they were really careful about how they praised her for her skill and not to compliment for her talent. Saying you played a great game is more powerful than you're so good. The former praises her actions, the later comments on her aptitude, because a healthy sense of significance is elevated by specificity, with a heart and tongue, and elaborated on what made Ella's playing great, citing specific examples of what she did, when and how she did it and why we were proud of her actions. Earned significance strengthens over time because our self-worth increases as we gain a sense of competence, accomplishment and purpose from our endeavors. Earned significance is paved with instant gratification.

Heather Ross:

I feel like there could be a whole conversation about giving kids prizes for participation. Yeah, okay, that's another podcast, entirely Not where we're going today, but you can totally see it Right.

Charlie Hoffman:

Oh, the key to eradicating shame. Very important, thank you. The key to eradicating shame, then, is this Find significance not in the persona you portray or the person you were, but in the best version of yourself.

Heather Ross:

Are you showing us as your best self, doing your best? Are you being impactful with your word? Are you taking things personally? Are you?

Charlie Hoffman:

making assumptions Right. You're always doing your best, not someone else's future self, your future self.

Heather Ross:

I do like that truth can hold more value than staying silent. Yes, okay, we're going to get ahead of here. We've got another minimal rule for living with less the 10 most expensive.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yes, possessions rule. So this is where you take a list of your 10 most expensive possessions. It might be a house, a car, maybe two cars, maybe a travel trailer, and maybe you have these things in your life of high value. Maybe you have a 20,000 dollar watch. Make a list of your top 10 most expensive things next to that list and make another list with the 10 things that add the most value to your life. Right Experiences like, maybe, catching a sunset with a loved one, watching your kids play baseball, making love to your spouse, eating dinner with your parents. Compare the two lists and discover they share very few things in common and it's possible there's no overlap at all. Are these things actually adding value to your life or are you spending a bunch of money? You don't need to impress people that you don't like.

Heather Ross:

The next part is about being trapped by fear, and I just really recommend picking up this book and reading that, because we're going to kind of just skip ahead to the there's one sentence right here I wanted to say Okay, sometimes we don't know how to love the ones we love until they disappear from our lives. You may not realize that you're taking advantage of them Until it's too late.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, and so we tend to hold on to stuff that reminds us of the person, because we didn't have that relationship. We have that type of relationship we wanted with them, so we want to heal that with stuff. It's not going to work.

Heather Ross:

No, it's just not going to work.

Charlie Hoffman:

I thought this was funny. Here he says I wish I would have known that buying a luxury vehicle wasn't going to make me a better person.

Heather Ross:

The shiny car does not make you a better person.

Charlie Hoffman:

I've also heard it said that the more money you have, it just elevates the type of person that you are Right.

Heather Ross:

Which is great as being someone that wants to come out of poverty and into what we consider their rich category. Right that, if we're looking at examples of people that are rich, are they people that are healed?

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, which they actually talk about in this a little bit, but these questions about truth I think maybe we'll end there today are pretty poignant.

Heather Ross:

So get your pencils and papers out. You're going to be journaling just so you know, because just reading one question was like ooh okay, truth bombs Are you ready?

Charlie Hoffman:

Number one. What is one essential truth you are hiding right now?

Heather Ross:

Sometimes I hide that I'm worthy.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yeah, that's exactly when I came up for me was like I'm stepping into my own and it's terrifying, but it's so worth it at the same time, because it's my truth and it's not what other people have put on me. So it just got really bright all of a sudden.

Heather Ross:

How has hiding truth caused discontent or hurt?

Charlie Hoffman:

relationships. How has hiding the truth caused discontent or hurt relationships? I think we can all come up with a few examples. I think, so I go number three. What is the worst thing that will happen if you tell the truth? What is the best thing that will happen? Ooh, what's the worst thing that would happen if you tell the truth? What's the best thing that would happen?

Heather Ross:

Right, this is where the journaling comes in. What difficult conversations must you conduct in order to avoid making more recreatible decisions? That might be a difficult conversation with yourself, because I've really been working on how I'm judging myself and then that causing me to show up in a different way because I'm judging myself, and so then that's that radical responsibility. So that could even be a conversation you have to have with yourself.

Charlie Hoffman:

And sometimes it is a conversation with yourself, because you were taught to lie to yourself. So you have to teach yourself to stop lying to yourself and sometimes you have to tell yourself who's boss.

Heather Ross:

And since you're the boss, so if we see you talking to yourself, we'll just assume you're having a staff meeting.

Charlie Hoffman:

How will the truth help you grow? How will the lies prevent you from growing?

Heather Ross:

There really is a freedom in the truth, even if it's a hard truth, Because the truth is coming from a place of love and honesty and it puts you in the correct directory for your life trajectory.

Charlie Hoffman:

I also feel like working on your personal growth requires you to be truthful with yourself. It is a requirement. You cannot grow.

Heather Ross:

You can listen to the books with the lies. You can listen to or read the same book or podcast over and over and over again, but if you don't get true with yourself, it doesn't matter. It's like thank you for listening to something better than the news.

Charlie Hoffman:

Good job. Yeah, it takes a lot of effort to do these things because you're opening yourself up to vulnerability, and vulnerability is scary because vulnerability usually comes with judgment. We're always going to judge ourselves harder than we do anybody else. Remember that, as you are going through this.

Heather Ross:

Yeah, and remember you can always dial 888. You can get some help if you need it. They're always there for you. You can always reach out to us. We'd be happy to chat. If you need a doctor, go to the doctor. You know it's okay to get counseling if you need it. I've had a lot of counseling, A lot of counseling. I did a lot of family counseling, A lot. I've done immersive counseling. I don't recommend it. No, it was really awesome. I'm very healing. It was very hard but very good.

Charlie Hoffman:

Yeah, finding different ways where you can work on your own personal growth is really good. For me it came in the form of conversations and yoga and meditation and reading the books and doing the tools and doing the practicing, practicing right and the doing and the doing.

Heather Ross:

Here we go again, but the goal is that we have the power to choose and decide, which is why we have mindset that day. So we're really grateful that you're here with us. We appreciate you and we hope you enjoyed this conversation as much as we do. We have a set journaling to do.

Charlie Hoffman:

And we do have some journaling and I hope you journal about it on your own. You know, tell, let us know what you're learning. Maybe you're reading a different book than we are. Maybe you have a different perspective than what we do we do. That's okay, you're allowed. We'd love to hear it, absolutely For sure.

Heather Ross:

And because there's room at the table.

Charlie Hoffman:

Thank you for pulling up a seat. We love you, namaste.

Heather Ross:

As entrepreneurs, we have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in the world around us. In a time when the world is shifting towards supporting local businesses and embracing community driven initiatives, it becomes even more important for us to give where heart leads us at the table. We believe in the power of giving back and that's why we have our cause of the quarter. This quarter, we are proud to support perfect pals, a local organization dedicated to rescuing and providing care for stray cats in our community. By supporting local causes like perfect pals, we not only make a difference in the lives of those in need, but we also contribute to the growth and well being of our local community. We believe in small acts of kindness, and they can create a ripple effect of positivity, inspiring others to do the same. As we shift our focus solely from supporting large corporations to championing local businesses and giving back, we not only strengthen our community, but we also foster a sense of connection and unity. Together, we can create a thriving ecosystem where everyone can flourish. So let's follow our hearts and give where they, where it truly matters. Join in supporting perfect pals and making a difference in the lives of these furry companions. Together, we can make our community a better place, one act of kindness at a time. Thank you for being part of our journey and for embracing the spirit of giving. Together, let's create a brighter future for all.

Heather Ross:

Are you tired of juggling endless tasks, struggling to find time for what truly matters? We have the solution for you Introducing free time solutions, your ultimate partner in reclaiming your time and maximizing your potential. At free time solutions, we specialize in helping businesses like yours thrive in a digital world. From social media management to website optimization and branding, we have the expertise to elevate your online presence and streamline your operations. Imagine having time to focus on what you love to do, what we take care of your business with our dedicated team of experts and innovative solutions. We leave you free to pursue your passions and achieve your goals.

Heather Ross:

Whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, we offer comprehensive services tailored to your needs. Our goal is simple to give you back time freedom to do what you do best, while we handle the rest. So join us at the table and let free time solution empower you to take control of your time and unlock your full potential. Visit our website at wwwyourfreetimebackcom that's wwwyourfreetimebackcom to learn more and schedule your consultation today. Free time solutions, your partner and success. Let's make the most of your free time together. Thank you for joining us at the table. Stay tuned for weekly readings on Sunday mindset Monday discussing our weekly readings on Monday and on Friday, our interview and potentially guest host. Stay tuned.

Charlie Hoffman:

Thank you for joining in on the fun. Be sure to like and subscribe for more.

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