Mindful Business Evolution - FKA: At The Table w/ Women in Leadership

Exploring Authenticity in Marketing: A Conversation with Jackie Côte and the Destiny Makers

September 22, 2023 Charlie Hoffman and Heather Ross

Do you feel like your marketing strategies are lacking authenticity? I can relate, and that's what we explore in this power-packed episode. With personal insights from my journey of authenticity and growth, I share my experiences and how they've shaped my approach to authenticity in business and personal life. 

In this enthralling conversation with Jackie Côte of Destiny Makers Coaching, we peel back the layers of resistance, delve into ways you can show up authentically on social media, and discuss utilizing AI for content creation without losing your authentic voice. We also touch on the importance of following your passions, and I share instances from my personal life to show just how powerful this can be in leading you to success.

We conclude with an in-depth exploration of LinkedIn as a platform for forging professional connections, discuss the compelling power of storytelling in marketing, and the significance of consistency in content creation. We also tackle the challenge of marketing overwhelm and provide techniques to maintain consistency amidst the chaos. Plus, there's a special treat on using minimal PowerPoints in presentations, and how reflection and writing can boost creativity. So, come along, let's navigate the powerful intersection of authenticity and marketing together.

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Mindful Business Evolution

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You can now find Charlie@yourfreetimeback.com

Charlie Hoffman:

Welcome to At the Table when we are connecting entrepreneurs, discovering missions and building communities with purpose Body, soul, mind and Business. With Charlie and Heather, with Free Time Solutions.

Charlie Hoffman:

Hello and welcome to the table. I'm Charlie, your host, and today is an interview, Friday. Now this week's going to be a little different because I actually did an interview with Jackie Cote of Destiny Makers Coaching on her program, so Attached is the recording from that and it was my first experience with public speaking in front of a group like that and doing a training by myself, so I was being a little vulnerable and talking a little fast, but I really hope you enjoy.

Jackie Cote:

Okay, welcome, welcome to a little shaken up. Week two is normally the coaching call, but this week we've got Charlie that's going to be talking to us about authentically marketing, like just being you, and she's going to explain it the best Without further ado. I'm just going to hand it over to Charlie and let her take it away. Definitely, introduce yourself to the crew. Some of them obviously know you from the retreat, but others need to get to know you who had to work there.

Charlie Hoffman:

Hi, thank you, Jackie, for inviting me to speak with your group today, and I'm just so blessed to be part of the circle of amazing women. And, for those of you that I was on the retreat with my sisters, I love and appreciate you so much. And for those of you who I don't know yet, I hope to get to know you a little bit more. So, without further ado, my business is called free time solutions and what we do is we help other businesses with things like operations, marketing and strategy and that might look like websites, apps, integrations and system updates, things like that. But what I wanted to talk to you guys about today, that it's been kind of on my heart to talk to you guys about specifically for a while, and I actually like, saw this, like in my dreams over the last couple of weeks, waiting to come talk to you, like I saw this happening.

Charlie Hoffman:

So what does marketing with authenticity mean? A lot of the times, I help businesses try to figure out the best way to market their business, and the best way for business owners to market their business is through authenticity. People are not currently shopping in a way that you know, it's just a familiar product. So that's what they're going to use because that's what their mom used. They're purchasing products and shifting their purchasing options because of the causes and the heart behind those products, as opposed to it just being a familiar brand, right? So that is the why, you know, why do you want to be authentic? Is because people are going to be drawn to your authenticity, right? The world needs more of you, exactly the way you are, exactly the way you are meant to be, where you are now versus where you're going, versus where you came from. Because every choice and decision you have made leading up to this point, right now, today, is exactly what you were supposed to experience to learn the things that you needed to in order to move forward and be authentic and learn more about yourself.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, you know I don't know anybody who's gone through life unscathed who has not dealt with some form of trauma or another. So, for me, I was active duty military for eight years. During that time, I was sexually traumatized. Also, during that time, I lost a child, you know, before birth, right? He wasn't able to be carried to full term, and that was trauma that I endured and how I'm learning and growing and using that as a tool to be where I want to go is really important too, and where that has taught me to be is authentic and always coming from a place of love, a love for people, a love for others, a love for the lack of time that we have on earth. You know, we're all here just a little bit, just, you know, for a little bit of time, and we get to touch each other's lives every time we come in contact with one another.

Charlie Hoffman:

And how do you want to be remembered by the people, the lives that you're touching? You are a unique human being. There's nobody else in this world exactly like you. They don't have your gifts, they don't have your past, they don't have your future and they certainly don't have your present. You are uniquely you for a reason, and I feel like that's really important to figure out what that looks like for you and how you want to bring more of you into the world. How do you want to bring that into your marketing? You know you're marketing a business, yes, but you're also marketing yourself, because people buy from a business because of their connection to that business through the people, right? Are you worried about people judging you for having certain opinions or beliefs or presenting yourself in a certain way, maybe, but you know what your vibe is going to attract your tribe the what you put out in the world, the love and respect and things that you put out in the world for other people that will touch their hearts. They'll hear that message right and you'll attract the people that you're supposed to attract. Jackie says your vibe is going to attract your tribe. Yes, 100%. I find that I have attracted more people by being authentically me than trying to wear a mask For years and years and years. I thought I was supposed to look a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain way, dress a certain way, you know, in order to be considered professional or successful or you know all these labels that we tried to put on ourselves. I decided not to do with labels and just be myself, and it has proved more fruitful than anything. I just keep showing up every day as myself, and the last four years my whole life has changed and it's blossoming and it's coming to fruition because I keep showing up as myself, authentically. So I encourage you to show up authentically as yourself too, because you will attract the right people just by being you.

Charlie Hoffman:

On the topic of the world needs more of you and your heart and your passion.

Charlie Hoffman:

We're all here for a reason. We all have our own passions and our own gifts that we want to bring into the world. And it's because of those passions why we're attracted to certain things and certain people and things like that, and we keep moving toward these vibrations, because it's the energy that we're called to. An example growing up, right, you have friends in high school who are like your best friends, right, and you're like nothing can break this friendship ever. And then you go out and experience the world, right, and your friends change and sometimes we judge ourselves because we don't fit into the friend group that we once did, but we are fitting in well with this other group over here, and so we tend to judge ourselves on the golden rule or so Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold. Maybe that gold is actually full school, right. It's not actually leading you where you're supposed to be, it's not creating fruit in your life, but instead it's holding you back.

Charlie Hoffman:

So this is actually one of the things I've been talking to my teenager about. She's 19, graduated high school, experiencing life for the first time, and she's like I don't get why I'm not, why my relationship with these people has changed. I said because you've changed. They haven't right. It was really hard for me to realize that certain people and certain vibrations were holding me back from who I really am, because I was judging myself based on those vibrations and those other people. Does that make sense?

Charlie Hoffman:

Okay, back to your heart and your calling and your passions. You have them for a reason. I find that, even though what I have done in life has changed because I've been a preschool teacher, you know I was in the military. I taught yoga and now I'm doing like digital marketing and media Not one of these things are related to one another, but I kept following my heart and following my passion, and the skills that I have learned from being in the military has really helped me in this current position as a CEO with operations and strategy. It's really helped me understand a lot of the more intricate pieces of being a leader. You know I was in JROTC and orchestra in high school. Those things taught me how to be a leader, how to show up every day, how to be in front of people.

Charlie Hoffman:

You know this is actually my first public speaking gig, but I realize I have actually been doing this for years. I just didn't realize it. Like I said, everything I have done up until now has led me to right where I am. When I was in high school and worked at the local Taco Bell, I was really good on the you know drive-thru headset right and I often would be put on the drive-thru because I was really good at it. Well, translate that to military life. And I was always on the 1MC, on the Navy ships calling all the drills because I was good at it.

Charlie Hoffman:

And I've been hosting a podcast for two years, you know, and where it's usually just a couple of people having a conversation. It's open to the whole world to see and hear these conversations. I've already been doing the public speaking thing for years and I didn't realize it until a month ago and I was terrified to be here when I first told Jackie, yes, I want to do this, because I was judging myself based on labels and not my own proof. So if you are struggling with something where you want to grow a certain part of you, look back at the things that you have already done that led you to this point and how you're going to take those to like move forward further. It's like using it as a tool, using it as a propulsion, right? Because I don't know about you, but I just turned 40 and I feel like this is really the start of the second half of my life. My kids are older, so I don't have little kids at home anymore, I have teenagers and adult children, and so I get this second chance to keep following my dreams and make an impact on the world, right? So that has all those things, even though they were all dramatically different, but I've done it was all the same. It was all because that's where my heart was at the time and I feel like, as long as I keep following my own intuition, my own inner, knowing my own heart, that I mean sky's the limit. It's only just begun, you know, and my kids are watching my growth journey and they are so much better off than I was at this age.

Charlie Hoffman:

You know, I wish I had so much clarity and communication and perspective of different things at 19 that my daughter does. You know, I wish I had those things, but at the same time I had moved out of my house and I was getting married at 19. I'm still married. It was just a different life. It was a different life. It was a whole different thing. But I'm really proud of her for you know being where she's at, because she's watched me do the hard work, so she doesn't necessarily have to, and that's all because I've been continually falling my heart, falling my passions, following what I know to be true.

Charlie Hoffman:

How do you know what's true for you? Okay, this is where I get into, like, my little soapbox of things. That I love is, if you haven't heard the four agreements, I highly recommend you pick up a book. It's by Don Miguel Ruiz. The four agreements are be impeccable with your word, always do your best, don't make assumptions and don't take things personally. These four agreements have literally changed my life. They've changed my perspective and they've changed my family.

Charlie Hoffman:

Being impeccable with your word. The word impeccable means without sin. So being impeccable with your word means not saying anything that isn't true, and that includes what you tell yourself, right? That includes what you tell yourself. So when you hear those voices and those judgments coming up in your head, how are you talking to yourself about that? You know what are you hearing.

Charlie Hoffman:

One way to help yourself shift your mindset is pay attention to what TV shows you're watching, what kind of music you're listening to, what kind of information you're feeding yourself social media, whatever and make sure that it's protecting your energy, right You're not feeding yourself negative energy. If you're not feeding yourself negative energy, it won't stick, right, it won't stick. If you are feeding yourself positive energy, you get to pour from the overflow, right, you're feeding yourself positive energy, and all the overflow, all the love, comes out from there. So, when you're being impeccable with your word, make sure you're being impeccable with your word to yourself. The second one always do your best. If you're doing your best, you have no guilt and shame over the choices you've made. Yeah, I did my best, knowing what I knew at the time. That's it no guilt, no shame. You did your best period. Easy as that. Don't make assumptions.

Charlie Hoffman:

This one is one I still struggle with every day because it's such a habit that we have created with making assumptions and that's attached to judgment. So when we make assumptions about somebody or a situation or whatever, we're actually placing judgment, which doesn't help anybody. Right, if you are pouring out love and understanding and want to listen to understand, as opposed to listen to make assumptions or listening to judge, it's a whole different perspective and it's a much kinder way to live for yourself as it is for others, because what you tend to judge other people on is a reflection of yourself, right? So if you're judging somebody in a particular way, ask yourself how does that reflect on me? How does that make me feel? And if you don't know what the truth feels like for you, there's a really simple test, right? You put your hand on your heart and you start with telling yourself your name my name is Charlie, my name is Charlie and then tell yourself a name that isn't yours. Like, my name is Bob, my name is Bob. It feels different in the body when you are lying to yourself. So how does it feel in your body when you are saying certain things? Are you again? Are you being impeccable with your word? Did you do your best? Are you making assumptions?

Charlie Hoffman:

And then the last one are you taking it personally? Everything other people say and do is a reflection of them, not of you. Everything people say and do is a reflection of them. They are seeing the world through their own lens. You are seeing the world through your lens and I wear glasses, so I'll use this metaphor. It's like putting on somebody else's glasses. It doesn't work. You can't see clearly, right, and you might get a headache, and it's just no good for anybody to wear somebody else's glasses. So just remember for yourself that you know, when I'm seeing somebody, right, am I doing these things? And in response to that, are they taking something out on me? Am I taking that personally or is that on them, right? Because you can always be like, actually that's on you and that's kind of in your head, so I'm not going to pick that up, right? You know you can pick up somebody else's negativity, somebody else's energy, but guess what, you can also hand it back to them and make them responsible for their own stuff.

Charlie Hoffman:

So I don't even know how much time I have, but basically, when you are marketing yourself authentically, think of yourself like this. You know, are you being truthful to who you are? Are you taking it personally? Because people are going to respond based on their own filter to whatever it is you put out to the world? Right, but remembering that your tribe will find you because of your vibe.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right, I have found all of you because I have raised my vibration from where I was three years ago to where I am now, because I would not be in the same circle had I let judgment take hold and I wasn't following the four agreements and I wasn't doing these things. I wouldn't be here. You know, all the work I've done and all the work you've done up until this point, right now brought you here. So market yourself as you right now. Your vision might change, your mission might change, but you are always shifting and growing also. So revisit what you're doing every so often. Is this message still true for me? Am I marketing myself in an authentic way, you know? Am I being myself? Am I putting on a mask? You know, because the world needs more of you as your own unique human being, because nobody needs a copy. They need you. And yeah, I think that's pretty much it. That's all my notes, you guys.

Jackie Cote:

Can you just repeat the four agreements again, real?

Charlie Hoffman:

quick Sure. The four agreements are be impeccable with your word. Okay, always do your best. Don't make assumptions and don't take things personally.

Jackie Cote:

The reason I wanted to recap that, because this is a whole conversation that's all around marketing. If you think about marketing and the way you related its marketing, which I love, is we, so let's go, do your best. Do your best is going to be very dependent on your perception of yourself and the story you're telling yourself and the judgments that you're telling yourself. So that goes into assuming you need to be better, assuming that you're not good enough, like assuming, taking things personally that, like he says, all ties about like what do you believe, Are you, do you truly, Will you truly honor your best, and is there a moment you can? So it's a lot of like deep thinking around some of the stuff that Charlie brought up. It's when I talk about radical responsibility and really being honest with yourself. Those four questions can those four agreements can really bring you back to, like she said, the authenticity of yourself, but the integrity and honoring yourself. We were just on a call, like right before this, and we were talking about scheduling and calendarizing and high management and I was like that's all great, but when you swipe off the calendar, when you schedule something for yourself, that's only for you and you just hit the swipe and you move on to doing something for someone else or something else you think is more important than taking a walk, or more important than drinking your water, or more important than than whatever it is that you put in for yourself. You have just now let yourself down, but you won't let. You won't? You won't let the person on the other call that you booked with you on down, like you're going to show up, but you won't show up for yourself. And so I? I was just interesting how it all tied into. How are we being impeccable? What are we saying to ourselves about? Are we doing our best? And then, being honest on the other side too, guys, I'll give you an example of doing your best.

Jackie Cote:

We took a walk yesterday and we're like okay, let's integrate some pushups. So we stopped at a wooden fence and we did a couple pushups on a wooden fence. So Susie and I and we did like five and they were like, not not like they were proud of about 45 degree angle, not necessarily flat down, but you know. So obviously sorry, I might have to go in a minute so we were like and we did five, and then we stopped, we did five more and this morning she's like I'm in pain. I think we did too much.

Jackie Cote:

It's that you're uncomfortable, You're feeling discomfort. You were in the military. You did way more than five 45 degree angle pushups. Your muscles are torn because you haven't used them in ages and you're feeling the discomfort. You're not feeling pain, you're feeling discomfort. Well, you push through the discomfort until it's no longer discomfort and do five more.

Jackie Cote:

And do five more, and can you honor yourself if that's what you truly want, I said, if you truly don't want to build your muscles on the like and get this, then that's okay. If you don't value that, that's okay. It's totally fine. There's nothing wrong. There's no judgment there.

Jackie Cote:

Again, don't make assumptions, Don't judge, especially yourself. And she was like you're right and I was like you know, I just laugh because we think, like we all are. Past stories determine on how we react to what are we doing for our best and what are we. You know, how are we being impeccable with ourselves and and how we take things and how we perceive things and all that stuff. So you know, man, I'm always going to go back to just rewrite the story, like whatever. So can you highlight some ways that you use your marketing in this capacity. I'm going to go off screen and unmute for a minute and then anyone who has questions or comments please open up. I just got to check a message. My parents never call me during the week and they just called me, so I need to find out what's up.

Charlie Hoffman:

Okay, specifically, when we're, we're talking about marketing right in your business, and how to do that authentically is to just really ask these deeper questions to yourself about yourself and about your business, because your business might not necessarily be a perfect, in a perfect alignment with yourself. It could be, or it could be just, you know, alignment adjacent, so to speak, whereas you it's like you're almost there, but you'll get there, trust me. When you create, like, a social media post and you want to share something with the world, how do you want to do that? Video is a really great way to show up authentically. You know, with your messy hair, with your, you know, no makeup, with just naturally as you, as you are, you know to just talk about the passion behind why you're doing what you're doing. And so when you create a post Jackie does a lovely job of this, of like telling the story and, you know, adding a little video or some pictures to it to really enhance how that story makes people feel.

Charlie Hoffman:

You know and we talked a little bit about before this call about bringing different elements into your life you know, and you can bring that into how you're marketing yourself and your business also, like, do you feel really at peace near the water. Maybe you create a post about how you helped yourself by spending some time near the water. Maybe you have a short little video of your toes in the water like I saw one of my friends this morning and you know like a paragraph or so of how that made you feel and what it reminded you of and how it incorporates into your big why right, your passion, it's your why. And then another thing that you could do is just share your story with as many people as possible, one on one or in groups, and just share your story and listen to other people's story, ask them about their story, and you can easily find connections with other people if you are just showing up as your best self every day, no matter what that looks like.

Charlie Hoffman:

It could be a video, it could be a post with pictures, it could be, you know, dancing on TikTok or whatever that looks like. I don't dance on TikTok, it's not my jam, but I really feel like the best way to market your business and yourself is to just keep showing up authentically as yourself and sharing what you love with the world around you, and you never know where it will take you. You know, three years ago, I didn't think that it would take me here. Beth, do you have a question?

Jackie Cote:

There we go, there we go.


This has all been really wonderful information. I'm curious how you, or if you, integrate what you've just been talking to us about with your clients.

Charlie Hoffman:

I do actually, and there's there's several ways I do. That is. A lot of businesses have, or at least should have, a mission, a vision, a philosophy, and we always have a pretty in-depth conversation with our clients about their business and what is there why, like? Why are they doing what they're doing? Why is it so important to them? Because if we can convey that why message, it comes across completely different than hey, I'm just trying to sell you stuff, right? So we actually have pretty in-depth conversations with our clients about their why and we try to help take information they already have you know from, like their website or their social media, from previous works they've done with their mission, vision, philosophy, figuring out what that why is and creating a marketing strategy around that, and most of what we do is organic marketing versus paid ads and things like that too. Does that answer your question? It does, thank you Sometimes.

Charlie Hoffman:

Sometimes when we're feeling extra stuck and we're like we want it to say this, but it's not quite saying it the way I want it to, I'll pull out some chat GPT for some help, because sometimes it's just tweak in the words a little bit. That's really good, but also, if you use AI to write your content, make sure you proofread it and it is still true for you and authentic to who you are. Because if you know how to ask it all the right questions in the right ways, it'll give you some beautiful content, but it's not necessarily fits your message. So you want to make sure you preview that and you can actually train the AI to talk in your authentic voice, and there's ways to do that. I actually have different chats for different clients, because sometimes I get stuck and so then I go back and I'm like okay, how do I get this in their voice? And so I've, like, trained the AI to know, but I don't always use AI. A lot of stuff, just I just yeah, most of it comes from me.


I use chat GBT on occasion, but it's always edited.

Jackie Cote:

So let me throw out the next question. That's the opposite side of what you're talking about, like what holds you guys back Of? What are some of the things that you felt resistance to? What have you felt like I went to go do this and I just kind of didn't do it. Like I mean, you hear all the time from people around Facebook lives and if you've been in my world, all of you have done probably Facebook lives at some point in time or some kind of video, because that's what I do, encourage it.

Jackie Cote:

It's not always the best method for you. For example, like a writer, and she absolutely loves writing, and if you, if that's your, if that's your passion, then attach that with some kind of picture that that is very connecting to your vibe. Most I usually say you, but sometimes it can be something that's not you but still in your vibe. It doesn't have to necessarily was be you, but I'm curious where some where has been some resistance to in marketing, and it doesn't have to be just like social media can be whatever Email, linkedin, different platforms, like what would you say has been resistant for you and that's been hard to do or you've pushed back on. I'll give you an example. All of you know I hate it. I'm not an email fan. An email to me is is I'm not energetically connected with email, so it's been tougher for me to buy into the process of having a nurturing email list. But I'm not everybody out there and I want to. I want to make sure that I'm getting my message to people that do find that as a very, a great way to learn and and purchase.

Jackie Cote:

Some people who are more comfortable purchasing through that modality than than other ways of clicking a button off of social media and stuff like that. So I'm slowly embracing that more recently, but I'm resistant and I'm just gonna be on because I don't feel like, like it's like. I like the live, I like the in the moment, I like the you know the energy behind it and that and then I'm like, does he not really have that? Because it's already pre prescribed and it's already done and it's and it's just not my that, my energy. So I have all my stories. I tell myself around that piece. So what? Let's share some things that maybe you feel resistant to. How showing up authentically you and you don't feel like it. It's either just not, it's just hard, or you just don't, I don't know you're resisting it, challenges and showing up what holds you back from clicking the button. I'm, I'm, angie, angie. Angie wants to say something.


I need to make the video for my website to send it to Angela, and I started recording it last week Me too, and I haven't done it, and you know I started recording. I was having a great hair day, like looked pretty good in the camera and everything. After I talked to her, like I had gotten up in the morning, made sure I looked all right, because the last few weeks have been a little off in terms of, you know, my energy and how I was feeling you know, because if I don't, feel like I've got the right energy for it.


I don't want to go live or record anything, because I think you know the authentic thing like people are going to know, but I'm not really feeling it and I don't like to like to do that so and I just kept like stumbling over what I was trying to say, like there's just been this resistance of like.


I know exactly what I want to say, but it just feels like it's not coming out quite right for some reason. So, and just not looking. You know, I'm happy to post a sweaty selfie where I don't look great, but when it comes to trying to do something that I consider to be professional, you know, yeah, and there it is, that's the word.

Jackie Cote:

because it's like, well, I the professional word, it's like such. For me it's such a trigger, because I'm like I was told for years, even though I always got the job done, that I wasn't professional enough and I'm like, what the frick does that mean? Like now I'm like that means whatever I wanted to mean, right, but then I get in my head and I don't take the action. So therefore, your shirt is very true. It's time to get out of our head, angie, and get into action and do the video and not worry about it being like this, like I'm like it's gonna be on the website, to me, the first impression. It's gonna be for there forever and you can change it the next day if you really wanted to know what you said or do what. So it's not like this, like written in stone forever and ever. But I feel like for some reason with the website, it's got to be perfect. But I will show up sweaty, gross, picking up dog poop on Facebook and have no problem, but the website has to be.


Credibility, you're right, but credibility, professionals, credibility, and we all know it's crap.

Jackie Cote:

but and what if it's not exactly what needs to be? Like like, okay, is this exactly the best thing to have on the front page about? To Charlie's point, the best thing is just me being me on my website and you being you on your website. So, no, thank you for bringing that up, because it's definitely one of mine. I'm like that's one of those swipers do the video. Swipe will do that tomorrow, move that to tomorrow and I just readjust the day and readjust the day and readjust the day.


Well, and now I've adjusted it to at least tomorrow night, because I'm getting my hair cut. So you know.

Jackie Cote:

There you go that. Now you got reason. You put money into it. Just pretend you're investing into the video. I'm getting my hair done for this video and you can even say that in the video. This is finally on my website because I did my hair. I got my hair done just for you.


But I did want to make the comment. When you said that you, charlie, when you, when you said that Like the oh, all I could think of was at the retreat when you and Heather were saying oh here. I think you dropped this. Like when people are being nasty, I can't Like. Oh, I think, I don't think this isn't mine, let me get that back to you. You dropped this. When people make nasty comments and stuff. I thought that was great.

Charlie Hoffman:

I feel like it works better than I'm. Rubber your glue. What bounces off me? Six you. We just don't pick a trash in the first place, right?


Yeah, it's more professional than rubber and glue to yeah.

Charlie Hoffman:

Actually no.

Jackie Cote:

Let's get. Let's be real. Who's really saying the nasty comments? It's not the other people, it's ourselves. But if it's other people, it's one out of like 100 maybe right, and it's them speaking through their filter, right.

Jackie Cote:

Right and it's so minimal right for, like, all the people. If you took all the people we impact when we show up with integrated ourselves versus the person who said one thing that didn't agree with you and and it was from their perspective, not yours. And it doesn't mean all the things Heather Charlie said and I just I think it's funny because most of it comes from us before we even click the button.


Yeah, and the reading things into it and not taking things personally is just so important because I have a girlfriend that you know I used to not want to answer the phone when she called. Now we're like I talked to her all the time but she was so negative about stuff and there was always some background drama going on like what do you think that? You know, our mutual friend meant by this when she said this? I'm like I don't think she meant anything by that. I think she meant what she said and she's just tired.


It's nothing against you, she's not mad, she's not anything, she's just you know she meant what she said and it's not meant to be mean or anything you know so now she talks me off the ledge. Sometimes it's it worked. You know talking to her, you know let her know that it's not always about you. You know, sometimes people are just, you know where they're at. They're not trying to start anything or say anything backhanded, they're just, it's not personal, it's just the day they're having. Thank you for everything you said, charlie. This was all really great.

Charlie Hoffman:

Thank you guys, and I'm glad you all tuned in and listened to my first official presentation by myself. I actually had a PowerPoint and everything and I was like I don't need the PowerPoint Like I got this I don't need that PowerPoint.

Jackie Cote:

I call it death. It depends on your. It depends on your audience and your and your platform that you're speaking on to. So PowerPoint is great when you're speaking to a larger audience, because some people are going to need that to stay focused Because you're on a stage and you've got it behind you. But very, very minimal on the PowerPoint, like bullet point, bullet point, bullet point. Keep your PowerPoints very minimal when you do them, because too much now you've got everybody reading the PowerPoint, not listening to you. So that's a. That's a big learning that I received through my speaker training all last year. If you're going to do it, do that, but most of the time you don't need it, especially when you are.

Jackie Cote:

Yours was very story oriented and very emotionally impacted. So you took a story and you took different stories and and the emotion behind it and how it impacted your life. So it's very storytelling PowerPoints. Don't do anything for that. Now, the one thing I will say is always have what you want someone to walk away with, speaking in the beginning and recap it at the end. So, whatever, I yeah, because I always go into a story and then I'll forget to go back and wrap around the end and bring back the point I was trying to make with all my stories, because I'm a very I'm a storyteller and I can go on a tangent, so to point it out in the beginning and then mention it again at the end and wrap it up. And something that was missing from your talk, which I'm going to have you do right now, is how to things one, how can people get in touch with you? Most of them know you're ready, but just saying how can people get in touch with you and what offer do you have for this crew today?

Charlie Hoffman:

Oh, excellent, okay, so if you would like to get a hold of me, you can email me at Charlie at your free time backcom. You can always check out our website also at your free time backcom. And we also have podcast, life Heather and I, women in leadership at the table podcast, which Jackie has been on and that has been on and a few of our other friends have been on, which is at women in leadership BSM be calm, and you can download. Anywhere you listen to podcasts.

Jackie Cote:

He's going to drop all of those in the community. Yeah, I will.

Charlie Hoffman:

There's lots of different options and getting a hold of me and different things you could do. So Then the offer I have for you all is that this Friday at 10am Pacific Standard Time, we are having our war room, which is our we are ready room. It's an accountability group which is free for you to experience. There's going to be some like giveaways and prizes that we're still figuring out what we want to do there, but if you register for the war room and I'll drop all the information into our the destiny makers chat and stuff for this, you can get the replay. So we're going to record it and send out the replay. If you're not able to make the 10am Friday, but I still intend on putting those who have registered into the raffle for the free prizes and giveaways and things like that, which might include things like a strategy session or help us like graphic design or maybe some other stuff.


Time zone Pacific Pacific 10am Pacific. Yeah, perfect, thank you, she's a wash.

Jackie Cote:

She's a Washington girl, I am.

Charlie Hoffman:

I am and that's not, so I call it halfway between Seattle and Canada.

Jackie Cote:

And yeah, so in the chat, in the group chat, drop all the information on how to get in touch with them. Re-explain that. Drop that link. I will suggest to, anytime you do a talk regardless, have those links ready to drop in the chat at the end of a talk and if you have it, I would drop. Like you can drop the Friday thing now in the chat here and they can click on it and have the tab open before we get out of the talk. Okay, so, and Erin says great URL. Okay, anybody else have any questions? Comments, and this can be anything about. Go ahead, phyllis.


If I can get my video to work Talked about the four little four agreements. There's a little book and I mean it's little, it's probably, I don't know, three by four that just talks about the agreements and gives us synopsis. So I would encourage everybody to go on to Amazon and get it, because it's a great little book to help out with all of that. So back to you.

Jackie Cote:

It's a great little reminder to have in your back pocket, like love that Anyone else Now remember Charlie's experience brings to the table all marketing, expanding being seen, their company does a lot, so this is a good time to use her and ask her as many questions. If you're struggling, like you know, is there anything I don't know? If, beth, you're doing the webinar stuff, is there anything that you have questions around, like how that's being executed or how you're doing that, what could be added around it, or I don't know. Feel free to pick her brain. I guess is what I'm trying to say.


Yeah, it's Charlie.


As you were talking, there were a lot of things coming into my brain as to what I've been doing and I'm definitely interested in having a conversation with you post my trip to London and really kind of it's funny, I always believe you get what you need.


And I think really what I needed in order to go on this trip is going back to my mission, my vision and my philosophy. I think I've gotten into doing all the actions and what I'm supposed to be doing and have lost sight of my why A little bit. So I think there is some work there and if you have any tips for me to bring with me to London to think, even though I'm being for those 10 days, some guidance there that I got from Jackie, I'm, you know I'm there and I'm taking it all in and I'm going to be in the present. But if there are things I can plant, some seeds to be nurtured while I'm being, I'd welcome any of that that you have, charlie, for me to be ready to kind of have another conversation with you when I get back in October.

Charlie Hoffman:

Beth, you have a notebook I know you do Because you're a lovely poet so use your notebook as a tool to write down your thoughts and feelings as they come up, so that later, when you reflect on them, it jogs your memory. Right, you don't have to write everything down, but just enough to jog your memory so that you can, you know, relax in the moment. But then also, those are when the best ideas come. Right Is when you're relaxed. I'll be laying down in bed and like text myself because I'll have a great idea, but then it's written down somewhere, right, and I can go back to sleep and not worry about it until later, right? So write it down and ask yourself the questions of am I following my four agreements for myself and those around me? Those are my two big tools and then notice what comes up for you. When you do that, I shall do that, thank you.

Charlie Hoffman:

It'll help you write your mission, vision, philosophy, if you really tune into that Perfect.

Jackie Cote:

Another thing that I say when you're in the zone of quote unquote, like vacation and then your desires and living into the place that you've been, you called in right, like you're going to be there and this is something that you called in, you created, when you're in that energy, in that place, be open to what she's talking about, like listening to the intuition and the ideas and the thoughts, because you're going to get a lot of them. And then it might be about work and here's what we do. We're like I'm on vacation, I'm checked out. I don't want to have that idea. Like work comes and you start to like, want to like, push it away, but like you're in a joy zone. Remember that you're in a doesn't mean you have to act on that thought right now, in that moment. Like, like, I do, like I feel when I feel the I got to share this, like I share it. And then, like sometimes, like I'll find myself in the moment and I'm like I'm with Mike doing a post and feeling guilty because I'm doing this post to inspire around what we just had a conversation on, or this or that, and so I get, I get torn between the two right, because I'm like I want to be present for Mike and in this moment. But I'm sharing this moment and people like can judge that like okay, so right now I'm going okay, people go well, she's just not living like. She's living the moment, but she's really not like in tune, like and spending that quality time with her man and it could be like and this is me judging, I don't know if other people judge this, but it could be possible.

Jackie Cote:

So give yourself the peace to write down what comes up for you, like Charlie suggested. You know to write down, and if you feel like posting about it, because you're like, wow, this is actually happening. Like, like, like five years ago, if you told me I'd be here with other coaches and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, like this is what happens when you start your own business and then, like, speak to it. But give yourself the grace to do one or the other, like document it for later or speak it into an app. If you don't want to write it out, if you don't have your notebook with you, speak it into something like a notes, whatever. But give yourself the grace If you do want to post about it. Don't beat yourself up for posting about it because you're like I'm off the clock.


Yeah, when I say, when I say that it's really like no meetings, none of that, like I cleared the calendar for this to be the experience, right, but I'm actually calling in and asking for things to come to me to help me with the business when I return to you know, go forward. So that's kind of where I'm at. It's like I don't have anything on the calendar other than Cambridge, buckingham Palace, windsor Castle, stonehenge, right. So that's what's on the calendar, not a zoom call.

Jackie Cote:

And here I'm going to point something out. That's a post Like, if you want, like a post to encourage people in this world to like do things for themselves and what you do is to encourage people to take invest the money in the time to have to for what you serve, right. And that description of like you know what? I cleared my calendar and this is what's on it and I am trusting that the universe is going to put, or whatever you want to say, but for me it's like trusting the universe is going to give me and the people in my world exactly what's meant to happen over the next seven days, and I'm so excited. Peace out, right, and this is fun. Let the world see the fun that you're calling in. Don't hide the fun behind scenes. Let the world see the fun.

Charlie Hoffman:

And other people are going to resonate with your story. Yes, however, you share it. Other people are going to resonate with your story.

Jackie Cote:

I'm just saying for you. Anybody else have anything? All right, we might have an early session today. Let's see. Do I feel? I don't feel any energy today. Normally I feel an injury and I'm like what is like that. Leeds like thank God.


I just I'm trying the. Thing. Did Angie tell you that we are together this morning? Yeah, she left it and she's going to send me a picture and rub it in.

Jackie Cote:

Well, it was funny because she said that. And then Aaron, who just popped off, she, her and Kristen actually got together last night because Kristen's an Albuquerque and Aaron's an Albuquerque and they got together and they went to a cute winery and stuff. And so I love like seeing you all. I joke around about being like jealous and jelly and like not being there, but I love it. I love because of you, right, and I love it. I love it. I'm like, look at that, look at that, look at that Like. I even love like when I'm on Facebook and I see somebody from my network now commenting on somebody who's new in my world, but because Facebook either said, suggested them as a friend, or this or that, or they were at one of my meetings and now they're commenting in there actually friends in their world, and I'm like, ah, and I'll be like you know that girl, that's awesome, like she's amazing, and then I get to rave about. So I just love the connection, part of this whole, this whole thing.


I do have something I can ask if it's okay. So with marketing and and all everything. So sometimes my thing is like I get overwhelmed and I'll go through different phases where I'll focus on like Instagram and I'll do recipes or like right now I'm trying to do more lives on Instagram, but then I feel like I'm neglecting my group on Facebook, like I go through these different and then it just becomes all the content, all the stuff, like it just becomes so much and then I honestly, I know I'm helping people and educating people, but I don't feel like it leads to new clients. You know, sometimes customers I'd say with doTERRA maybe, but that's not how, like, I'm really getting my clients. It's more word of mouth, which is great, but so just the overwhelm, all the marketing, all the avenues, like do you have anything to say on that? Now? I missed the beginning, so I came.

Charlie Hoffman:

So one thing I want you guys to remember as you're posting on social media and stuff, people are stuck in the scroll. Right, they're stuck in the scroll, they can see your post, but we are finding that less and less people are interacting with the posts that they see on their feet. But what it is doing for you, it is keeping you on the digital shelf. Right, you go to the store and each store aisle, each place in a store aisle, and the grocery store has different rates for different products based on where it's located, right, so the more you are posting consistently on social media, the higher on the digital shelf you are.

Charlie Hoffman:

Okay, and places like Google use social media as like an authenticator for your business. So if you don't have a business page on LinkedIn or on Facebook or you know wherever you like to post your stuff, I recommend that you have a business page and a private page so you can post your private stuff here and all your business stuff here, and your business can be linked to your Google profile and it uses the information as like verifying that you're a legit business, if that makes sense. So then your your coast, your posting consistently on social media. Right, that pushes you up in the social media algorithms, but it also helps boost your algorithms with Google Right and people like to see that consistency, especially now post COVID, because I want to make sure your business is legit. If you haven't posted anything in three years, who knows if it's still a business?

Jackie Cote:

So, even though the Facebook business page doesn't get a lot of traction, what I'm hearing you say is that if someone searched my name, my Facebook business page will come up on Google If I've been posting on it. Is that what you're saying?

Charlie Hoffman:

it is more likely to come up on Google in a place where you can find it easily. Because, I know.

Jackie Cote:

LinkedIn. Someone told me the other day and I checked it out LinkedIn is like the first thing that comes up, even before your website, like if you have a LinkedIn. I was like what? And so I'm like maybe I need to get my LinkedIn more updated now and more integrated because that you don't even need a website. Then if LinkedIn's coming up first and LinkedIn has all the stuff, why bother even having a website? And it's great.

Charlie Hoffman:

A cool thing that LinkedIn is doing is articles. Yeah, so you can actually post your blogs and things to your LinkedIn page, and it helps with the communication and the algorithm in LinkedIn. If you are posting another thing, if you guys are posting different, like different things in different places, and consistency is a challenge for you, I highly suggest using a scheduling tool to schedule out your posts so that there's something that automatically goes up every day. Right, and so I forget where I was going with that. My brain de-railed a little bit.


Consistency and that's where I think I need to do a little more of that, because I'm more like Jackie and I use like the current whatever's going on in the day. You know like that's when I'll like post, but then I can go a few days where I'm just like not in the mood to post or something, so then I have nothing. So I do think I need to. You know, I used to use scheduler a little bit more, like for my group on Facebook, so I do think maybe that would help me feel like okay, something's going on there. So that's a good idea to maybe lessen the overwhelm of those days where I just don't feel like going out, like I'm not, if I'm not in the energy, I just won't do it.


And it's interesting about LinkedIn because that's not something that I have a profile out there. I mean I had it from when I have my stationary business and then I remember I like updated it when I got certified as a health coach but never touched it since. And just recently, I don't know, I've been getting like a pop up ad or something for someone that runs training on LinkedIn. So I signed up and I had the first day yesterday and it's this week. I missed the one today, but it's so interesting to learn about it as like a search engine, and the reason I wanted to start doing it is because I really feel I need to connect more with sorry, with parents, you know, and maybe these parents are more on LinkedIn than they are scrolling Instagram.


And one point they made yesterday was like how, on Instagram, you know why do we all go on there? Well, I know like when I go on there, I want some entertainment, right, you know? Yeah, people might see my recipes and stuff, but they might not even get that I'm a health coach for teens from my Instagram or like on LinkedIn. It's just, it's different. So I'm excited to learn how to use LinkedIn and totally update everything on there and do that. But that's a great idea about the content. You know that part of it, because that can really. It's like I have fun with it because it's creative and I like being creative, but then I just get stuck.

Charlie Hoffman:

So there's a lot of different scheduling tools out there. We have one that's pretty comprehensive that we will talk about on Friday in the war room, and if you want more information, just shoot. Shoot us a message from the website. You can schedule a chat straight from there.

Jackie Cote:

So the war room, if I said because when that link you gave us, yeah we have an updated the information in the zoom link.

Charlie Hoffman:

yet, because there was a conflict of interest, a lot of the people that wanted to be in the war room were already like scheduled to be in a different class with a different coach. So we are going to hold it on the 15th every month and if the 15th falls on a Friday it'll be like earlier in the day if it's not on a Friday it'll be later.

Jackie Cote:

I just want to know how to get the zoom information.

Charlie Hoffman:

Oh, I drop the zoom link in here, if you register.

Jackie Cote:

It registered for October 5th, so it's the same same zoom link.

Charlie Hoffman:

Same zoom link every month, cool, yeah, I thank you for letting me know that that part needs to be updated. It's all part of that systems and operations and all the different pieces for everything that needs to be updated, because we just change things.


So Can you post that in a group?

Charlie Hoffman:

Yeah, I have notes. I will make everything all pretty and post it to the group here in a little bit. You know, sometimes you forget to have these things ready, so it was a great reminder, jackie. Thank you, oh, you already had the. Yeah.

Jackie Cote:

I already had a lot of times.

Charlie Hoffman:

I put it in a document so I can just base. And I did not do that because I was a little nervous and I forgot that word.

Jackie Cote:

So, and that's why I let I encourage people to do this with my group. I want people to come in and do that because one more safe place where no judgment. We follow the four agreements, but we also I'm able to coach you in the moment as well. I can give you feedback on your talk in a safe container, and not everyone here can learn from that. So it's not like if, like I say, okay, charlie, like you know, add this in, add this in, add this in, everybody else is like okay, when I do my talk, I'm going to add make sure I do my offer, because God knows how many times I did not make an offer. For the first nine months of my business, I didn't make any money because I didn't make offers.

Jackie Cote:

But making offers, having a stretch, having a document with all the links that you want to share, like what's pertinent to the talk that you're doing, what is your offer, have that and you will drop some of those things throughout the conversation as well, and if it's right there, makes easy to be like okay, you know, incorporate questions into your talk, even if it's a storytelling, to get at least engagement of the yeses and the nose, and like, okay, drop in the chat. If you're like a one or two Like, tell me like what are your thoughts guys, and if you want to open it up because it's a small group, we can all chat about it and then you go back to your talk. But if that's hard for you to kind of get back engaged into your talk, then just do it verbally for them to hit in the chat. Does that make sense? Yeah, and get, and that'll extend your talk. For a talk, like because you had up to like 90 minutes you could have taken, you took 22. And so I. It's okay.

Charlie Hoffman:

So you just 20 minute talks with my podcast. Let me tell you.

Jackie Cote:

Yeah, no, spot on, and so that's another question. It's like how many minutes do I have? Okay, so how do you expand that? So I want you guys, like any of you guys, to always just ask me those questions. I can help you with those things. When it comes to speaking, even if it's just speaking on Facebook lives or speaking in like I've got a lot of knowledge, I come to the table with speaking Great. Also, here I'll give you your feedback. We got some time Great storytelling.

Jackie Cote:

You did a thread across your whole life, which I love, when you can show that the gifts that you're currently in have been present in your life your whole time and how it all links into how you can market yourself like all your experiences throughout your life have led you to where you are today and all of those pieces can help you in your marketing. They can all be stories attached to your marketing, not just the one incident that's really prominent in your life. All of it like and you'll see if you give yourself like a timeline check, and you did a really good job on that you kept referring to following your heart and your passions and what you found is those links in the talk where hearts and passions of yours Along the journey of your life. That's created where you are today. Because you're like none of those jobs. I did really like none of the jobs if you think like military teacher, digital marketer, it's just like like like just the names of them don't connect, but you had a good way of connecting them through your storytelling. So really great job on that.

Jackie Cote:

As questions engage. We talked about that. What do you want them to walk away with? Points in the beginning, points at the end. Touch on those points throughout because you want them to walk over not too much. Not too much. Teaching in a talk is legitimately out of like a 40 minute talk. You're literally only teaching like 15 minutes of it. So it's the storytelling and it's the where you are, where you were, where you are now, why you're so passionate about what you do, like how you tell your story. And then the four agreement agreements. I loved yeah, that's me and then having me offer and the the link ready. So thank you for using us as your first time.

Charlie Hoffman:

For having having me present, for you know, first time with you guys flying solo.


Great, that's your first time presenting. Yeah, oh, wow, yeah, and I had a.

Charlie Hoffman:

PowerPoint and I decided, nope, not for this audience, like check it out the window and just go for it. You know I wrote down my intentions and things that I wanted to talk to you guys about. You know, tip from Jackie. Have your intention. Maybe a couple bullet points. I like that.

Jackie Cote:

And I can do a whole, I can teach a whole lesson on on the talk on the structure of a talk.

Jackie Cote:

So I'll add that into October because that'll be the next time and I'll do. I'll go over like different. There's a different style, there's a couple different ones you can do, but all of them kind of align to the same thing. But some of them expand, like expand that the information, the meat in the sections of it, and some are like it's Tell your story, start where you were, where was like the aha moment? The bottom of me out, and you know the bottoming out. But you know, when you hit that area you're like ah, for me it's like the getting fired for my job. See it meaning the coaching world that brought together all the stuff that I always thought I wanted to do, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then then why you are here today. But in between there there's lessons that you're teaching them, and then at the end there is the comes back to the offer.

Jackie Cote:

But literally, like the people think the teachings like 40 minutes of the 45 minute top. No, the teachings like 15 minutes. It's the emotional journey. You want people to feel why it's important, that the freedom to follow up with you, like that. You want them to feel that like you understand them, dealers or buyers. So, all right, very relatable.

Jackie Cote:

And we were sitting at the table together, right? Go figure, we're sitting at the table, around the table. If you haven't already met with Charlie one-on-one, or Heather one-on-one or two-on-one, whichever way ends up being, but now it's gonna be more one-on-one because they're both getting busy definitely schedule your time with her. She'll drop that in the chat and If you need help in this area, they are the dynamic team to help and I keep saying to, but I know there's three now, so he's behind the scenes a little bit more than you guys, but but definitely meet with them if you need support in this area. That's something that stresses you out and you want it off your plate. Be with them. Anything else? Any other questions? Any comments? Thank you so much, charlie. Thank you.

Charlie Hoffman:

I thank you for holding this safe space for me to Talk to you guys. You know about this specifically for the first time in front of a group, so I appreciate that.


Yeah, I never, would have never know first time and I did.

Jackie Cote:

I don't have to tell you that, like, when you get the video, you can like, cut it up, edit it, market it. It can be a class for you, like, whenever you do these things. But when you watch yourself back, I don't know if my only word of advice is don't judge yourself on Like, look at like if you do. I don't watch myself back very often or?

Charlie Hoffman:

I don't never watch myself back just enough to edit stuff, yeah that's really yeah.

Jackie Cote:

So use those. Use those Poor agreements when you're watching yourself back. If you do, watch yourself back and edit this Because it was fabulous, but we'll tend to go. I couldn't.


Well, but sometimes you do all that, all the face scrunching and imagining what it would be like, and then, when you listen to it or watch it back, you realize you did a lot better than what you thought you did.

Jackie Cote:

Yeah, yeah, very good point. You know, a couple times I've been on the podcast and stuff that I'm like.


Oh that I sound like a crazy person and I don't know if it's good editing or what. But when I listen to and I'm like, oh, that was actually cool here, okay, cool.

Jackie Cote:

I think the funniest thing that I judge and and I never really talked about my family much, but I sound like my sister, my voice sounds like my sister's and my sister's voice sometimes could really grate my nerves and I love her, but I'm like, oh, I can't listen to it. She said I sound like Claudette. I don't mean negatively, but it's like that's the only thing I do sound like a crazy person. I'm okay with that, but I'm like why do I sound like my sister?

Charlie Hoffman:

Sunny, right when I was in high school and me and my older sister, who's four years older than me, were we're dating and stuff, we would occasionally switch phones.

Charlie Hoffman:

Right and the people thought they were talking to the other person so similar and so we find out really interesting things about each other. But my husband Is. We started dating when I was like 16. We've been together forever. Um, he always knew the difference. He always knew if it was my sister or me sleep, and he was the only one that ever was like um, but really on the phone, please, thanks.

Jackie Cote:

All right, I'm gonna go make my phone call, return and Thank you again, guys. Thank you for supporting Charlie. Thank you for coming, charlie, amazing, and if you want, we'll talk soon. She just left me a message saying that she found out she's probably gonna go blind soon. So now I've got a blind mother and a and a father and dementia and she's his caretaker. So I'm pretty sure she's sitting in a lot of fear, not only about the blinding thing but like how do I do this Right?

Jackie Cote:

I'm sure she's got something came up and they're gonna give her the details on what what will probably happen. It's like arthritis, some kind of pain that's been going on in her behind her eye, and then Arthritis of something which is causing something. She's also diabetic. She's been diabetic for like almost 50 years now Well, 40, 45 years now. So the fact that she hasn't lost her sight yet is pretty amazing. Um, for that long, because she's managed it for that long. So this might just be a part of that Praying it takes a lot longer, that the truth every day is like take it longer. But of course, you know what this does like immediately and Makes me go, jackie, get your shit in gear so you can put them somewhere financially that they can't do for themselves right now. So Time to get my shit in gear even more so that I can take care of them and put them somewhere where they can not have to worry about anything.

Jackie Cote:

So All right on that note, I'm gonna go.

Charlie Hoffman:

Love you all, love you guys as Entrepreneurs, we have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in the world around us. In a time when the world is shifting towards Supporting local businesses and embracing community driven initiatives, it becomes even more important For us to give where heart leads us at the table. We believe in the power of giving back, and that's why we have our cause of the quarter. This quarter, we are proud to support perfect pals, a local Organization dedicated to rescuing and providing care for stray cats in our community. By supporting local causes like perfect pals, we not only make a difference in the lives of those in need, but we also contribute to the growth and well-being of our local community. We believe in small acts of kindness, and they can create a ripple effect of Positivity, inspiring others to do the same. As we shift our focus solely from supporting large corporations To champion local businesses and giving back, we not only strengthen our community, but we also foster a sense of connection and unity. Together, we can create a thriving ecosystem where everyone can flourish. So let's follow our hearts and give where they, where it truly matters. Join in supporting perfect pals and making a difference in the lives of these furry companions. Together, we can make our community a better place, one act of kindness at a time. Thank you for being part of our journey and for embracing the spirit of giving. Together, let's create a brighter future for all.

Charlie Hoffman:

Are you tired of juggling endless tasks, struggling to find time for what truly matters? We have the solution for you introducing Free time solutions, your ultimate partner in reclaiming your time and maximizing your potential. At free time solutions, we specialize in helping businesses like yours thrive in a digital world. From social media management to website optimization and branding, we have the expertise to elevate your online presence and streamline your operations. Imagine having time to focus on what you love to do, what we take care of your business with our dedicated team of Experts and innovative solutions. We leave you free to pursue your passions and achieve your goals.

Charlie Hoffman:

Whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, we offer comprehensive services tailored to your needs. Our goal is simple to give you back time freedom to do what you do best, while we handle the rest. So join us at the table and let free time solution empower you to take control of your time and unlock your full potential. Visit our website at wwwyourfreetimebackcom that's wwwyourfreetimebackcom To learn more and schedule your consultation today. Free time solutions, your partner and success. Let's make the most of your free time together. Thank you for joining us at the table. Stay tuned for weekly readings on sunday mindset monday discussing our weekly readings on monday and on friday, our interview and, potentially, guest host. Stay tuned.

Charlie Hoffman:

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