Mindful Business Evolution - FKA: At The Table w/ Women in Leadership

Transforming Self-Worth: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Empowering Your Future

July 22, 2024 Heather Ross Season 10 Episode 14

Ever wondered how rewriting your own story could transform your life? In this episode of Mindful Business Evolution’s Mindset Monday, we promise that you'll learn how to unlock your true potential by overcoming limiting beliefs. Drawing from Jamie Kern Lima's inspirational book, "Worthy: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life," we explore the deep-seated societal stories that shape our self-worth and offer practical strategies, like Byron Katie's method, to challenge and change negative thoughts. Discover the joy of living fully through heartwarming anecdotes about playful cats and empowering messages from the Four Agreements. Together, we’ll uncover how generosity and support from others can illuminate our blind spots and lead us to a more peaceful, fulfilling existence.

Are you ready to take control of your thoughts and shape a brighter future? We delve into the transformative power of conscious decision-making and how it can empower us to stand out as leaders online. Learn the importance of community within the Empowered Women's Club, where power hours are dedicated to enhancing social media skills and sharing invaluable knowledge. Celebrate the collective strength and remember, you are worthy of tackling those limiting beliefs. Join us as we journey together in growth, eager to reconvene in two weeks to reflect and continue our empowerment. Namaste.

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Speaker 1:

Mindful Business Evolution the podcast where networking, mindset and technology converge to empower success. In today's fast-paced world, navigating the complexities of business while nurturing personal growth can often feel like a daunting task. Hello and welcome to Mindset Monday. Hello and welcome to Mindset Monday. My name is Heather and I am your host here on Mindful Business Evolution, mindset Monday. We come together every week to choose and decide how we are going to show up in the world. It's important because our mindset determines our whole lives. I'm so blessed to be here and work with you on this. Mindset's been a really important piece of my journey and I'm excited to share it with you.

Speaker 1:

We are currently reading Jamie Kern Lima's book Worthy how to Believe you Are Enough and Transform your Life. This is a fantastic book, especially if you've never really delved into the world of limiting beliefs, and today that is what the chapter is about. It's about how to identify those beliefs. What are you saying to yourself that you might not realize is holding you back? And she talks a lot about her weight and how her weight has held her back, which is definitely something I personally can relate to. Obviously, if you're watching, you know I'm not a stick figure and I've struggled with my weight, my whole life, but that doesn't change the value that I provide to the world. So I keep showing up here and I hope you will too. So there were a couple of really good quotes that she threw in this week that I wanted to share with you. I can still start them here. Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it, possibly without claiming it, she stands up for all women. Oh, every time, each time a woman stands up for herself, it's so important that we are doing that to simple thing standing up for yourself. And what could that look like? There's some resources. If you have the book, you can go to worthybookcom forward slash resources and you can get some worksheets to fill out, which are pretty fantastic worksheets.

Speaker 1:

I like how she calls the limiting belief system our BS Belief system. It's BS because we've been programmed with a story that isn't ours. That is the societal story. We're born into a story and the things around us give us messages to how we fit into that story and that's what we're breaking out of. So when we take a minute and look at our lives in this way and identify some limiting beliefs, then you can start to change your thought processes and your actions so that you can keep showing up despite them, and then eventually your neural pathways will create new paths and better belief system for yourself. But you have to practice it first. You have to create those neural pathways first. So she literally broke down her belief system around her weight when I fit into a certain size jeans, then I will have peace. And then she rewrote that for herself If a belief costs you your peace, it's too expensive. If a belief costs you your peace, it's too expensive. So this book is fantastic and I can't even tell you how awesome it is that it breaks the limiting beliefs down like this.

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The limiting beliefs I found the hardest are the ones that I couldn't identify, and that's when working with Trish has been so helpful for me. Um. So life and work with Trish to Tariq and she's fabulous. But finding someone that can help you identify those so you can't see, you can't see your blind spots. So it just is a really nice um when you can find somebody to help you with that. So, um, another resource um I found was limiting beliefs often come up um for me in um strong response, so that could be a whoa anger response or I I don't really feel good about myself. Response. So my friend Monica from Monica Today she introduced me to Byron Kate's work and what this work does is it asks you to basically work through it. So I have a little cheat sheet here.

Speaker 1:

What made you sad, angry, hurt, what created the strong feeling of like? Write it out. Then you're going to ask yourself is that true? Can you 100% know that that's true? Can you absolutely know that's true? How can you react when you believe that thought Like, what does that thought cause you to do and what would you do without that thought? And then you turn it around so you can try to see the other side of the situation. What if someone did that to you? And how did that feel? Would that feel for you? And is that true? Can you know that that's true? And it helps you just to be really more open in a situation and understand someone else's side and to break down what's causing these really big moments that make you not happy and disturbing your peace. So when you find your peace, you know that you're in it.

Speaker 1:

So on our four agreement card of the day this week, we got a cute little kitty on the front here and she's got some yarn. I'm going to say she, cause she's got extra big eyelashes and I feel like they painted her as a she and we do a lot of she stuff around here, right? So take your life and enjoy it. Have you ever seen a cat with ball of yarn? Have you ever tried to bend a crocheter with a cat with ball of yarn? It's fun and annoying. We love it. This card says you are alive, so take your life and enjoy it. You were born with the right to be happy, to be loved and to share your love. Just to be, to take a risk and enjoy your life is all that matters. Enjoy your life. Peace comes now, not later, so finding that inner peace while we're in whatever situations we are in, is going to help us live that life. One of the things I found that really helps tap into that peaceful and grace is generosity, and that's our 52 essential conversations card today.

Speaker 1:

Generosity Describe a time when someone shared something with you or helped you when the person did not have to. How did it make you feel? How can you be generous with your things, your time and your feelings A time when someone was generous and they didn't? I feel like I am surrounded by generous people. I think I'm generous, I do try to be generous and I'm willing to give you things. If I don't need it, you can have it, or I have this thing, or I know somebody. I love to connect people to things, so I know it makes me feel better when I don't feel good and I'm able to do something for somebody else. And then when somebody else is able to do something for me, it makes my heart full and makes me take a moment and be grateful for them, because without them I wouldn't have the thing. It could be simple as giving me some toilet paper on a rough day, right? So sometimes we just need things and sometimes somebody just appears with it and you don't even know how.

Speaker 1:

Thank you to the powers that be, because life happens for us, right, and that's one of the things I love about Mindset Monday is taking the power over our thoughts, is taking the power over our thoughts, and it helps us to cultivate our futures by choosing, to deciding how we're going to show up, and you get to choose and decide how you are going to show up. I get to choose and decide how I'm showing up, and it makes me so happy I'd love to share with you that I'm specializing helping leaders stand out online effectively and consistently Supporting your goals with. Animated graphics are bad, so if you need a graphic animated, just let me know. I'd be happy to help you out with that. Social media mentoring we are doing that over in the Empowered Women's Club and the biggest thing over there is those power hours where we connect, we work our social media accounts and we ask questions with each other and share information so we can all learn and grow and be better and do better together, and that is the power of community.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for joining me today on Mindset Monday. I look forward to seeing you in two weeks so you have time to process this and I have time to process this before we move on. So remember you are worthy and we are tackling those limiting beliefs. I hope you have a lovely, lovely week, namaste. Thank you.

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